Mingle and surf because we have prepared free access to your favourite source of information and entertainment.
Choose one of our restaurants, eat the best food and make sure to try one of the most exciting menus and spend your time in the cosy environment of Branimir Mingle Mall.
Because mingling is about sharing!
All that is much better when you can park your car care-free without relentless searches and driving around the downtown. Park in one of 440 spaces on one of the three underground levels at great prices, which you can check by clicking on the link HERE. Special parking benefits wait for you in case you’re going to the movies or the gym.
Park for the best mingling in the city!
Bring your kids for their special mingling at the Cirkus Kids’ Playroom or to one of the special CineStar matinees at Branimir mingle mall, and we have taken care for the hygiene with the coolest kids’ toilets.
Handwashing has never been more fun when it’s all tailored-made for our little big shots!
The kids are for mingling, too!
No probs as there are three ATMs at your fingertips:
Withdraw cash, pay for the drinks for your friends or popcorn for your girlfriend and enjoy at Branimir mingle mall as mingling is just right.
Avoid the city crowds by riding your favourite two-wheeler – arrive at the Branimir Mingle Mall in no time. Parking is not an issue any more as your bike will be safe at one of the bicycle parking spaces at the -2 garage level or near the entrance to the mall from the Branimirova street.
Park your bike and keep mingling!
Some people would probably say “the battery is half-full” while others may say “the battery is half-empty”. Mingling at the Branimir Mingle Mall you will never find yourself in a dilemma because there the battery is always full; look for the charging station sockets to charge your mobile phones and laptops at the 0 level.
Mingle with full batteries!